Friday, August 26, 2011

Hello again

Hello my lovely friends!  I am afraid after checking my facebook page, that some of you have forgotten about me.  To fix this I thought I'd blog and tell you what's up with me.

It's been real busy around here, so I have not had a chance to get out and play lately.  What with fixing up the Pink Pearl and all.  All of our spare time is going there.  I want to go camping!  Or glamping is more my style....  Just wait til she's done.  She'll be so cute!  And so me!  We're going to have some good times Lil E and I glamping.

So, in the downtime I have been keeping myself busy by reading, and chatting with friends, visiting with my sister,  my niece,  and my big brother Greggy, you know- fun stuff.   I've been reading some memoirs by the famous Cindy Zelman.  Both online,  at her blog The Early Draft, and another piece she had published plus her creative thesis?  Is that what it's called?  I can't remember.

 Lil E does most of the work around here, so I can be free to do what I need to do.  He's started a page for the renovations he's doing on the Pearl.  Here is the link:

I did run into Gustav the other day.  I do see him occasionally around town.  He is doing well.  He went to the Fair too, but I missed him.

That's about it.  Oh, and I've been shopping.  A lot of shopping.  Trying to find just the perfect vintage things for the Pink Pearl.  That takes a lot of time you know.  Hopefully I will get out soon again to do some more interesting stuff.  But for now it's work, work, work.   Thanks for keeping up with me!

 Lil Gee

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Find Your Adventure

The Geenie's Lamp is brimming with life, love, and art these days.   If you've been keeping up with me you know why.  So here are a couple of updates.  My Sis and niece are still here, and will be with me through mid August. Our time is drawing to a close, but we are making the most of it.

An update on the farmyard. The ducks and chickens are all grown up now, and should be laying soon.  More on that to come.

I have new things listed in my Etsy shop.  Check the sidebar or click on the link to see them.  Finished a few more things today.  Not the least of which is my new love...  so, did you catch it?  My new passion/obsession/fixation...  I put a hint in my last post....    Here's my latest piece for the big reveal....

This is it!  I have found Vintage Travel Trailers and I really, really want one.  This or a Gypsy Wagon.  I can imagine myself now parked at the beach with my trailer and my art supplies...  Or camping with my family, and my art supplies....  or.... the possibilities are endless really.  When I first discovered the "Gypsy Wagon" about a year ago I imagined one built in our backyard for my studio.  That is still a dream of mine, but this.  Oh this. This is gonna happen.  Then the Geenies Lamp studio will be on the road...

and now for something I finished
and she was Loved

and of course, as usually happens, I love her so much I don't want to list her.  Thinking about offering prints.  That's all for now...  Will update you on my Vintage RV procurement as unfolds.  Suzi Blu once talked about a dream of an artist colony of traveling Gypsy Wagons.  That would be a dream.....

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My very own Gypsy Wagon

Guess what??

Lil E built me my own little Gypsy Wagon!  Isn't she fabulous??!! I have not named her yet, or finished painting her but I love her!!!

 I have to share it with the Bitties because technically it was built on their birthday and technically it's for them, but it's just too cute to not share with you all.

come on in, I'll give you a tour....

It's just perfect!  Just the right size, one of my favorite colors...  Lots of light and windows.  I absolutely love it!

I'm not done decorating it yet, but we'll get there.  She needs pillows.  Lots of pillows.  And candles, and art suplies.  I'll keep you posted as she progresses.  My little piece of peace on earth is really shaping up.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Queen of Music

Do you remember when you fell in love with music?  I do.  It was in the 80's, the first time I heard Pat Benatar singing Heartbreaker.  One of my all time favorite songs.

Last night Lil E took me to see Pat Benatar at the Pacific Ampitheatre.  I couldn't believe it was the first time I'd ever gone to see Pat Benatar.  I couldn't believe this since I have loved her music since I was a girl.  I'm sure it wont be the last time I see her
                             perform live.

It was a small show, in an outdoor ampitheater at the Orange County Fair.  It was a beautiful cool night.  Lil E and I shared a cotton candy.  It was a sweet evening, made even sweeter by seeing the interaction of Pat and her husband Neil (the guitarist).  They are celebrating 30 years of marriage!

Needless to say the music was fabulous, man Pat can still sing!  And her husband Neil 'Spider' Geraldo can really play, guess I'd never noticed that before.  It was a moving show, almost moving me to tears with the intro and the playing of Hell is for Children.

They recounted how and when it was written and how they vowed to play it at every show until every child is safe.  wow.  It's really nice to see people caring about others in the best way they know how.  They did also dedicate a song to all the troops serving all over the world.

It felt like a really special show, with a lot of moments of their love, humanity and passion showing.  I fell in love with them all over again!

Rock on Pat and Spider!  Rock on everyone!!