Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Another fine day in Boston

So today still finds me in he lovely city of Boston Massachusetts.  I have a moment to post some more pics of the fun I'm having here.

Did I mention I am hanging with a bunch of poets and writers?  Yup.  They have kindly taken me in.  Last time you met the fabulous Miss Cindy Zelman.  I didn't get a picture of her zoo, but she graciously took me to meet them when I first got here.  The cats were very curious, the bunny just wanted to be loved on and Cindy the fish, well, who knows?

So far everyone has been very thoughtful, and they've taken really good care of me.  I'll show you what I mean.

So here is my lovely Sis Suzanne Deshchidn, Poetrix extraordinaire.  She's published here and there, I believe in Patterson's literary review even, and has a couple of books out.  You can find her links below and to the left of this.
She is reading to me before the official reading begins.  She's a doll, isn't she?!!

Some fellow writer friends of hers walk in and she introduces me.  Everyone's been really good about that... and of course everyone wants to meet me.  They seem really interested in who I am and what I do.

We sit and have a conversation with our coffee.  Of course they are very interested in me and my adventures.

This is Theresa and Anne

My new friend Theresa shares her candy with me.

After the reading each group poses for a group picture.  The poets kindly ask me to join them. It's official now.  I'm a full-fledged Poetess.  I even wrote a poem in one of the classes and gave my own mini reading of it.  It was fun.

Here we are at the Cheesecake

The close of each day finds us dining with some of the most fabulous people.  Most notably the world renowed  Cindy Zelman, Creative non-fiction writer, whom you met in my last post.  Her link is also to the left under Linky Love.
So closes another beautiful day in Boston with beautiful friends.  


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